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Family Service Toronto (FST) is a designated broader public-sector organization as provided for under section 12 of the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 and follows the Ontario broader public sector (BPS) supply chain code of ethics and the requirements for travel and expenses, purchasing/procurement and perquisites. FST has posted its relevant policies for transparency and to be compliant with BPS directives. In addition, the BPS Business Documents Directive requires BPS organizations to enhance their financial and performance reporting to the public.

FST has posted its relevant policies and quarterly service and financial reports for transparency and to be compliant with BPS directives.

Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS) Supply Chain Code of Ethics

Goal: To ensure an ethical, professional and accountable BPS supply chain.

Personal Integrity and Professionalism

Individuals involved with Supply Chain Activities must act, and be seen to act, with integrity and professionalism. Honesty, care and due diligence must be integral to all Supply Chain Activities within and between FST’s suppliers and other stakeholders. Respect must be demonstrated for each other and for the environment. Confidential information must be safeguarded. Participants must not engage in any activity that may create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest, such as accepting gifts or favours, providing preferential treatment, or publicly endorsing suppliers or products.

Accountability and Transparency

Supply Chain Activities must be open and accountable. In particular, contracting and purchasing activities must be fair, transparent and conducted with a view to obtaining the best value for public money. All participants must ensure that public sector resources are used in a responsible, efficient and effective manner.

Compliance and Continuous Improvement

Individuals involved with purchasing or other Supply Chain Activities must comply with this Code of Ethics and the laws of Canada and Ontario. Individuals should continuously work to improve supply chain policies and procedures to improve their supply chain knowledge and skills levels, and to share leading practices.

Travel and Expense Policy

Family Service Toronto (FST) recognizes that staff and board members may incur various costs in the fulfillment of their responsibilities. Allowable expenses include travel, meals, accommodation, conferences/training and hospitality. All expenses incurred must be directly related to FST’s work, must be modest and appropriate, and must balance economy, efficiency, as well as health and safety and environmental considerations. The most economical and practical option should be selected whenever possible. This policy seeks to establish fair and consistent rules for expenses and travel. Read the full policy.

Expense Disclosures

Fiscal Year 2023 – 2024

Q1 Expense Disclosure
Q2 Expense Disclosure
Q3 Expense Disclosure
Q4 Expense Disclosure

Fiscal Year 2022 – 2023

Q1 Expense Disclosure
Q2 Expense Disclosure
Q3 Expense Disclosure
Q4 Expense Disclosure

Fiscal Year 2021 – 2022

Q1 Expense Disclosure
Q2 Expense Disclosure
Q3 Expense Disclosure
Q4 Expense Disclosure

Fiscal Year 2020 – 2021

Q1 Expense Disclosure
Q2 Expense Disclosure
Q3 Expense Disclosure
Q4 Expense Disclosure

Purchasing and Procurement Policy

Family Service Toronto’s programmatic and organizational requirements demand the purchase of a broad range of supplies and services. All approved expenditures and commitments must be consistent with the FST operational plan and within approved budgets.  Any significant exceptions must be formally approved by the Executive Director or the Board of Directors.

It is expected that due diligence be done to make purchases and acquire services through an open, fair and transparent process. A contract of more than $100,000 can only be awarded as a result of an open competitive bidding process, and any contract between $10,000 and $100,000 must be through an invitational competitive process. A contract of less than $10,000 can be entered without any restrictions. The value of the procurement cannot be reduced to circumvent the competitive thresholds. The board has the authority to waive these requirements in special circumstances.  Read the full policy .


The terms and conditions of employment for all employees of Family Service Toronto (FST) are set out in:

  • The offer letter or employment contract
  • FST policies, as amended from time to time
  • For unionized employees, the Collective Agreement.

Employees are also subject to applicable legislation and other legal requirements of all relevant regulatory or certifying bodies/associations.

No employee shall have perquisites (e.g., fitness club memberships, tickets to cultural or sports events, clothing allowances) that are not related to business requirements. Read the full policy.

Public Sector Salary Disclosure

Family Service Toronto is subject to the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act. More information is available on the Ontario Ministry of Finance website under Public Sector Salary Disclosure.

Service, Financial and Risk Reports

Family Service Toronto reports to its volunteer Board of Directors on the service and financial performance of the organization on a quarterly basis. This also includes reporting on organization risk associated with operations.

Fiscal Year 2023 – 2024

Q1 Service, Financial and Risk Report
Q2 Service, Financial and Risk Report
Q3 Service, Financial and Risk Report
Q4 Service, Financial and Risk Report

ED Reports

Q1 Executive Director’s Report
Q2 Executive Director’s Report
Q3 Executive Director’s Report
Q4 Executive Director’s Report

Fiscal Year 2022 – 2023

Q1 Service, Financial and Risk Report
Q2 Service, Financial and Risk Report
Q3 Service, Financial and Risk Report
Q4 Service, Financial and Risk Report

ED Reports

Q1 Executive Director’s Report
Q2 Executive Director’s Report
Q3 Executive Director’s Report
Q4 Executive Director’s Report

Fiscal Year 2021 – 2022

Q1 Service and Financial Report
Q2 Service and Financial Report
Q3 Service and Financial Report
Q4 Service and Financial Report

ED Reports

Q1 Executive Director’s Report
Q2 Executive Director’s Report
Q3 Executive Director’s Report
Q4 Executive Director Report

Fiscal Year 2020 – 2021

Q1 Service and Financial Report
Q2 Service, Financial and Risk Report
Q3 Service and Financial Report
Q4 Service and Financial and Risk Report

ED Reports

Q1 Executive Director’s Report
Q2 Executive Director’s Report
Q3 Executive Director’s Report
Q4 Executive Director’s Report

FST Policy – Purchasing and Procurement
FST Policy – Terms and Conditions of Employment

Programs and Services

Programmes en Français
Appointments and Frequently Asked Questions
Campaign 2000
Caring for Caregivers
Families in Transition
Growing Up Healthy Downtown
Healthy Families. Healthy Communities
Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Options – Adults
Options – Children
Partner Assault Response
Partner Contact
Pat’s Place
Person Directed Planning
Seniors and Caregivers
Seniors Community Connections
Social Action
Transitional and Housing Support
Violence Against Women
Single Session Walk-In Counselling