Workshops, Groups and Events
Virtual Walk-In / Single Session Counselling
Community members are invited to access our free Single Session Walk-in Counselling.
Virtual sessions are available Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
In-person sessions are available on Thursdays at our 355 Church Street location. For more Information, go to Single Session Walk-in Counselling program page or download the flye
To book a virtual single session today, please call our Service Access Unit at 416.595.9618
If you are in crisis, please call:
Distress Centre: 416-408-HELP (4357)
Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 416-863-0511 or 1-866-863-0511
Gerstein Centre – Crisis line: 416-929-5200
Community Information and Toronto Community Crisis 211 or go to
Workshops and groups by program
Counselling | Families in Transition | Options | Options – Children | Violence against Women | David Kelley Services | Seniors and Caregivers Support Services | Seniors Community Connections | Healthy Families, Healthy Communities
Workshops and groups offered by Counselling Service
Emotional self-regulation
A six-week group for individuals interested in learning strategies to reduce anxiety and distress. Every week a new technique will be introduced and practised to help you with reducing your anxiety and having more self-regulation. Participants will discover they are not alone in their distress and that others struggle with similar issues, share information and learn from each other, and experience a safe place within which to practice new skills.
Members will not be allowed in the group if they skip the first two session since the material and practice of it is build up on each session.
Date: Thursdays, April 10 to May 17, 2025
Time: 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Location: virtual on Zoom
Fee: Sliding scale based on income and family size, to ensure that persons with all income levels can access our programs.
Registration: Prescreening required at registration time.
Please call Family Service Toronto, Service Access Unit 416.595.9618
Weekly Meditation Group (virtual)
This weekly webinar is an invitation to engage in a guided mindfulness practice. Each week, a counsellor will lead participants through a meditation and provide information about a weekly topic, such as mindfulness, coping strategies, or understanding emotion.
Date(s): Every Monday
Time: 1 – 1:30 p.m.
How: Offered via Zoom
Cost: Free
Registration information: To register or for more information contact Family Service Toronto Service Access Unit 416.595.9618 or email: [email protected]
Nervous System Reset
In this virtual, weekly sessions series you’ll engage in body-based grounding techniques, practice trauma-informed yoga, and learn how these practices help improve emotional and physical well-being.
This program is open to anyone who wants to manage strong emotions like anxiety, depression, or trauma responses.
Date(s): Fridays, April 25 – June 6, 2025
Time: 10 – 11 a.m.
How: Offered via Zoom
Cost: Free
Registration information: To register, contact the Service Access Unit.
Phone: 416-595-9618
Email: [email protected]
Workshops and groups offered by Families in Transition Program
Co-parenting: Embracing the Ebbs and Flows (virtual)
Psycho-educational and interactive single session workshops for parents wanting to develop an understanding of healthy co-parenting strategies and the different types of co-parenting; and learn skills on how to engage in a healthy co-parenting relationship to support the well-being of their children
Dates and time
Tuesday, March 25 | 11-1pm
Wednesday May 7 |11-1pm
Fee: Sliding scale based on income and family size, to ensure that persons with all income levels can access our programs.
How: Offered via Zoom
Registration: Pre-registration is required.
Please register by calling our Service Access Unit: 416-595- 9618
Co-parents will not be attending at the same workshop.
Parenting 101:
Supporting Children Through Separation and Divorce (virtual)
A psycho-educational and interactive workshop for parents who want to develop an understanding of children’s developmental stages and their corresponding experiences of separation and divorce; and learn skills to support their own well-being and their children who may be experiencing challenges.
Dates & Time
April 16 | 12 a.m. – 14 p.m.
Fee: Sliding scale based on income and family size, to ensure that persons with all income levels can access our programs.
How: Offered via Zoom
Registration: Pre-registration is required.
Please register by calling our Service Access Unit: 416-595- 9618
Co-parents will not be attending at the same workshop.
Blending Families (virtual)
A one-time, 2-hour psycho-educational workshop for parents and their partners wanting to ease the transition of introducing a new romantic partner to their children. The workshop will cover common challenges, learning to manage different parenting styles and navigating the co-parenting relationship, while staying connected to your new partner and children.
Date and time: To be announced
Fee: Sliding scale based on income and family size, to ensure that persons with all income levels can access our programs.
How: Offered via Zoom
Registration: Pre-registration is required for all attendees. Co-parents will not be attending the same workshop. Please attend with your new romantic partner (if possible).
Please register by calling our Service Access Unit: 416-595- 9618
Download flyer
THE WAVE – A Family in Transition Children’s Group (in-person)
This is a group for kids born 2013-2015 to discuss and understand family changes like separation or divorce. Through creative activities, they’ll explore their feelings and experiences. The group format will allow participants to be witnessed and to witness others, and create a safe space for sharing, normalization, and validation of experiences to build resilience.
Date(s): To be announced
Location: 355 Church Street
Cost: Sliding scale based on income and family size, to ensure that persons with all income levels can access our programs.
Registration information:
Forms will need to be completed by all parents/guardians with decision making in order to register.
Pre-group screening is required with the requesting parent and child on Zoom
To begin the registration process please call Service Access Unit: 416.595.9618
Workshops and groups offered by Options Program
1:1 Virtual Service Navigation Consultation
This 1:1 consultation is for caregivers and/or individuals with a developmental disability 18 years and older. This is an opportunity to find out about programs and services in Toronto region and meet with a case manager to get help with forms or resources.
When: Thursday, May 8 & Tuesday, May 20, 2025
Time: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Where: online
Registration: please use registration link:
1:1 Drop-in Service Navigation Consultation
This drop-in 1:1 consultation is for caregivers and/or individuals with a developmental disability 18 years and older. This is an opportunity to find out about programs and services in Toronto region and meet with a case manager to get help with forms or resources.
In person sessions include the opportunity to meet with a Passport Coordinator. Passport coordinators can help with passport invoices or questions about passport funding.
Date: Wed, April 30 & Tue, May 27
Time: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Location:: 128A Sterling Rd, suite 202, Toronto
Registration: Free, drop-in consultation. No registration required.
Workshops and groups offered by Options – Children
Developmental Disabilities Resource Workshop
Have you ever wanted to know more about developmental disabilities such as Autism?
Are you interested in how to navigate the service system or strategies to support a loved one or friend? Come join us for an information session on Developmental Disabilities, Autism, and strategies for navigating the service sector across the lifespan and supporting a loved one. This workshop is suitable for families with a newly diagnosed loved one, and community members who are interested in learning more about developmental disabilities and the sector.
Location: Zoom
Dates, time and registration link
To register fill out the form for the preferred date:
April 15 | 11 a.m. -12 p.m.
May 13 | 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
June 10 | 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Camps Registration Workshop (virtual)
Ever wonder what you need to register your child for camp? Not sure what camps are out there? Come join us for an information session on camps and respite registration. This single-session workshop is suitable for caregivers of children 4 -18 who would like to have a better understanding of the what’s, when, and how’s of registering for camp
Date & time:
Please register for one of the available sessions:
March 27, 2025: 11 a.m. – 1230 p.m. | WN_h2Hm9E_2SSi5dPbtiEe7Ig
April 24 , 2025: 11 a.m. – 1230 p.m. |
May 7, 2025: 11 a.m. – 1230 p.m. |
Where: Virtual on Zoom
Fee: Free
Download flyer
Financial Supports Workshop (virtual)
Come learn about provincial and charitable funding that you and your child may be eligible for. Receive a resource package with links and steps for completing the applications. This workshop is suitable for caregivers of children birth to 18 who would like to have a better understanding of funding for children with special needs.
Dates & registration
Please register for one of the two sessions.
April 22:
May 27:
June 24:
Time: 11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Where: Virtual on Zoom
Fee: Free
1:1 Service Coordination Consultation
This 60 minute, 1:1 consultation is designed to provide caregivers who have children and/or youth with a disability between the ages of 0-18 years of age, with an opportunity to gain information about FST’s children’s programs and Toronto region to assist with supportive needs of their loved one
When: weekly on Thursdays of each month
Location: Virtual, on Teams Registration
One hour times slots between 9-5 to be booked using the registration link.
Workshops and groups offered by the Violence against Women Program
Empowerment through Financial Literacy
Learn about finances and increase your financial literacy
A 4-part series for women-identified survivors of trauma offered by Family Service Toronto – Violence Against Women Program and the Canadian Foundation of Economic Education. This webinar is suitable for those who are interested in understanding and gaining economic education knowledge.
Living a Financially Healthy Life: Feb. 19, 2025 | 1-2:30pm
How to Manage Debt & Credit: Mar 19, 2025 | 1-2:30pm
Retirement Planning and Financial Concerns for Older Adults and Seniors: Apr.16, 2025 | 1-2:30pm Empowering Their Tomorrow: Helping Parents Support the Next Generation: May 21, 2025 | 1-2:30pm
How: Offered via Zoom
Cost: Free
Registration information: To register, contact the Service Access Unit.
Phone: 416-595-9618
Email: [email protected]
Workshops and groups offered by David Kelley Services Program
Wellness Group
A free, 16-session, psychotherapy group for self-identified male (18 +) survivors of sexual abuse who seek support to deal with the impact of unwanted sexual experiences, whether recent or from years ago.
Who can participate?
Self-identified males, inclusive of 2SGBTQ+ individuals, who are sexual abuse survivors, and
- are willing to commit and consistently participate in the full 16-session cycle,
- are willing to engage in experiential and self-reflection activities during and in-between sessions
- have done some work on emotional regulation strategies
- who had individual therapy (or are still engaged in individual therapy).
Date: every Wednesday, from Feb. 19 to May 28, 2025
Time: 2.00 – 4:30 p.m.
Fee: free
Registration information: Pre-screenin, 30 min, required.
Contact Family Service Toronto Service Access Unit 416.595.9618, [email protected]
2STNB+ Connect Peer Support Group (virtual)
2STNB+ Connect Peer Support Group is now offered by DKS services and it replaces 2STNB Peer Support Group, previously offered by Queer and Connected.
This virtual peer support group assists youth across the gender identity spectrum to meet and connect with others in their community, explore their identities, and make friends.
Dates: Ongoing; Bi-weekly, Wednesdays: Sep 4 & 18; Oct. 2, 16 & 30; Nov. 12 & 26…
Time: 7:00 – 9:00p.m.
Location: virtually on Zoom (a link will be provided to all participants in advance of workshops)
Cost: Free
Registration/information: The group is open to 2STNB+ youth 16-29 in Toronto and the GTA
Register with Keith at [email protected]
Follow on Instagram
Download flyer
Emotional Skills Group (virtual)
This is an online skills group offering 2SLGBTQ+ clients a space to learn and practice the emotional skills needed for managing stress, regulating emotions and having healthier relationships. Each session centers a core emotional skill, with sessions building and integrating upon one another. Groups are limited to maximum 10 participants.
Date(s): to be announced
Time: 1-2:30pm
Fee: Sliding scale based on income and family size, to ensure that persons with all income levels can access our programs.
Registration information: Pre-screening required. Contact Family Service Toronto Service Access Unit 416.595.9618 or email: [email protected]
Eligibility: Participants have to be eligible for services through DKS; interested in learning tools to cope with emotional dysregulation; and able to commit to attending 5/8 sessions.
Art in Trans*ition Peer Support Group (virtual)
Art in Trans*ition is an arts-based peer support group at David Kelley Services (DKS). This 5-session virtual group will use art making to reflect on our own gender transitions – social, emotional, medical and physical. We will explore a variety of themes through writing, drawing, poetry, zines, comics and more. For and by 2STNB+ people, this group is inclusive of everyone on a journey of gender transition, whatever transition means to them. Participants of all art-making experience and abilities are welcome (even if that is none!).
Required art supplies: Journal; pen and pencil; phone camera.
More options: Scissors, tape and glue; collage scarps; paint and brushes; markers; crayons; your art medium of choice.
When: Spring 2025: biweekly, Wednesdays, March 5, 19; April 2, 16, 30;
Time: 7 – 9 p.m.
Location: virtually on Zoom (a link will be provided to all participants in advance of workshops)
Cost: Free
Registration/information: Open to youth aged 16-29 in Toronto and the GTA
Register with Keith at [email protected]
Follow on Instagram
Terapia grupal en español que ofrece apoyo para abordar el impacto los efectos acumulativos en la salud mental de la inmigración, la orientación sexual, el género, la raza y los desafíos de salud.
Este grupo semanal gratuito apoya a personas de habla hispana que viven con VIH y se identifican como gays, bisexuales u otros hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (GBMSM), enfocándose en lograr la regulación emocional, la autogestión y la resiliencia.
Fechas y hora (en 2025): Todos los miércoles, desde el 19 de febrero hasta el 25 de junio
De 10 a. m. a 12 p. m.
Ubicación: 355 Church Street, Toronto
INFORMACIÓN DE REGISTRO: Se requiere una preevaluación de 30 minutos. Comuníquese con la Unidad de Acceso al Family Services Toronto al 416.595.9618 | [email protected]
Bienestar is a Spanish-speaking group therapy providing support to navigate the cumulative mental health effects of immigration, sexual orientation, gender, race, and health challenges. This free, weekly group supports Spanish Speaking individuals living with HIV who self-identify as gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM), and focuses on achieving emotional regulation, self-management, and resilience.
Dates: Weekly, every Wednesday, from Feb 19 to June 25, 2025
Time: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Location: at 355 Church Street.
Registration: Pre-screening, 30 minutes required. Call Family Service Toronto Service Access Unit at 416.595.9618 or email: [email protected]
Workshops offered by Seniors and Caregivers Support Services Program
El Camino a Casa
El Camino a Casa es un programa semanal para personas mayores de habla hispana que desean hablar sobre la experiencia de emigrar a Canadá. En un espacio seguro y confidencial, los participantes tienen la oportunidad de compartir sus experiencias como inmigrantes y el impacto que la inmigración ha tenido en sus vidas. El programa fomenta la comprensión y el crecimiento personal.
El Camino A Casa /The Road Home is weekly program for Spanish-speaking seniors who want to speak about the experience of immigrating to Canada. In a safe and confidential space, participants have the opportunity to share experiences as immigrants and the impact immigration had on their lives. The program promotes understanding and personal growth.
Dates: Weekly, every Thursday starting with February 13, 2025
Time: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Location: virtual on Zoom
Registration: Call Family Service Toronto Service Access Unit at 416.595.9618 or email: [email protected]
Need a Boost (virtual)
Join our discussion group for women 60+. Learn to restore your self-confidence and build support in your life.
- Increase your social network
- Practice communication skills
- Rediscover interests and abilities
- Share memories
Date: Second and fourth Monday afternoon each month
Time: 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Cost: Free
Registration: please call Service Access Unit at 416-595-9618.
Failure to Launch (virtual)
A virtual group for parents 55+ of adult children who have been unable to secure their independence due to:
- Chronic Illness
- Mental Health
- Addictions
Come out and meet other parents who are dealing with similar issues. Learn how to protect yourself against abuse while supporting your adult child in gaining independence.
- Understand your role in continuing the cycle of dependence
- Learn how to set limits and boundaries
- Become aware of the impact of guilt and shame
- Learn to cope with loss and change and moving forward
Date: Fourth Thursday each month
Time: 1:30 – 3 p.m.Learn about finances and increase your financial literacy
Location: Zoom
Cost: Free
Registration: please call Service Access Unit at 416-595-9618.
Gaining Strength, Sharing Stories (virtual)
A virtual group for women 60+
Sharing our stories, we discover we are not alone.
- Tell your story in a safe and supportive environment
- Ease isolation by connecting with others
- Learn strategies for emotional safety and self-care
- Focus on creating and maintaining healthy relationships.
When: Second Wednesday each month;
Time: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Cost: Free
Registration: Please call Family Service Toronto’s Service Access Unit at 416-595-961
Caring for the Caregiver (virtual)
This 10-session group is offered by FST’s Seniors and Caregivers Support Service (SCSS) counsellors. Are you caring for or concerned about a senior (55+)? Maybe a parent, spouse, partner, relative or friend? This closed group explores various topics related to aging and caregiving over a 11-week cycle. Each session will have an educational component as well as opportunities for participants to exchange ideas, offer support, and share experiences. Participants have the opportunity to bring their own topics for discussion or request counsellors provide focused guidance for specific issues. The group is limited to 10 participants.
When: To be announced
Time: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: Offered via Zoom
Cost: Free
Eligibility: Eligible for services with SCSS, in a caregiving role for someone age 55+
Registration information: Pre-screening, 30 min, required.
To pre-register contact the Family Service Toronto Service Access Unit at 416.595.9618 or email: [email protected]
Seniors Chat Group (virtual)
A discussion group for anyone aged 55 and over offered by Seniors and Caregivers Support Service counsellors.
Bring some coffee or tea and join FST counsellors for a weekly drop-in chat. We will discuss a variety of topics with the goal of building connection and support with one another.
Date(s): First and third Wednesday of each month
2025: Jan. 8* and 22* (Please note the change of dates for Jan. 2025 due to Jan. 1 being a Stat holiday), Feb. 5 and 19, Mar. 5 and 19, April 2 and 16, May 7 and 21, June 4 and 18
Time: 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
How: Offered via Zoom or phone
Cost: Free
Registration information: To register contact the Family Service Toronto Service Access Unit at 416.595.9618 or email: [email protected]
Workshops offered by Seniors Community Connections Program
Groups for the Latino-Hispanic Community/Spanish-Speaking Seniors Programs
Chat & Socialize (Chatear y Socializar)
Every Wednesday, older adults in the Latino Hispanic community meet in person or via Zoom to socialize. And once a month to watch a movie and share a pizza at Sterling Road. Coordinators: Evelyn & Rodrigo
Where & When:128 Sterling Rd, 2nd floor Office 202 | 11 AM to 1:30 PM
Information: 416.216.8460
Board Games (Juegos de mesa)
On the second Monday of each month, Latino-Hispanic seniors meet to play board games, games to sharpen the mind, or engage in light and entertaining exercises. Coordinators: Evelyn & Rodrigo
Participants meet to laugh, have fun and a good time.
Where & When: 355 Church St. | 11 AM to 1:30 PM
Information: 416.216.8460
Technology practice (Práctica de tecnología)
Every Friday, come with your iPad, iPhone, computer or other device you use to practice and find answers to questions that arise while using new technologies. Coordinator Rodrigo
Where & When: Birkdale Community Centre, 1299 Ellesmere Rd., Scarborough | 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Information: 416.216.8460
In Contact – Podcast for Spanish Seniors (virtual)
A brief review of what is relevant at the local level with an indication of available services that help overcome the challenges in “Times of Coronavirus”. The program is offered by Seniors Community Connections (SCC)
Audience: Latino Hispano Community
Facilitator: Rodrigo Briones, SCC Coordinator, Lation Hispano Community Facilitator
Date(s): Once a week
Time: Link to podcast always available
Cost: Free
Registration: Contact number for more information: Rodrigo 416.755.5565 ext. 438
Workshops offered by Healthy Families, Healthy Communities program
Arriving Together: 2SLGBTQI+ Newcomer Peer Support Group
Arriving Together is a peer support group created in collaboration with Family Service Toronto and Rainbow Railroad for 2SLGBTQI+ newcomers (18+) to Canada. The group offers a warm and supportive environment where peers can meet, connect through shared experiences, and grow community.
What to Expect:
• Community-Building: Meet other 2SLGBTQI+ newcomers and participate in meaningful conversations and activities.
• Co-Creation: Briefly connect with the facilitator before the program begins to ask questions and share your hopes for the group.
• Meaningful Exchange: Enjoy and learn from each other’s experiences, ideas, food, music, and stories.
• Resources: Access information regarding settlement, employment, healthcare, and other resources specific to 2SLGBTQI+ newcomers.
Date & Time: This is a closed group that will meet once a week, Tuesdays, for 2 hours, for a total of six weeks. April 8 – May 13, 2025
Location: In-person at 355 Church Street.
Registration: Interested attendees will be asked to complete a survey regarding their availability, and to briefly connect with the group facilitator before the program begins. For more information and registration contact:
Toni Pavić (she/her)
Family Service Toronto
[email protected]
Nicoy Davis (they/he)
Rainbow Railroad
[email protected]
Women’s Resilience: A Nigerian Perspective (virtual)
A Virtual Group Meeting to enhance women resiliency. Issues on self care and compassion, coping strategies, self-growth and lots more are discussed collectively. Program offered by the Violence against Women Program Facilitator (Nigerian Community)
Date(s): Every Tuesday
Time: 12 – 2 p.m.
How: Conference phone call
Cost: Free
Registration information: Contact Blessing by email [email protected]
Contact number for more information: 647 510 4371
Chitchat Group (In-person; Arabic Speaking Women’s Support Group)
الدردشات نسائية عربية
Chitchat is a free group for Arabic-speaking women offered by Family Service Toronto – Healthy Families, Healthy Communities program in partnership with Arab Community Centre. The group offers an opportunity for women to meet, share and learn from each other, improve the quality of their family life, build skills for safe and healthy relationships, and gain awareness of resources.
Date(s): Biweekly, Thursdays
Time: 10:30 a.m – 1 p.m.
How: Victoria Park Hub, 1527 Victoria Park Ave., 2nd floor,
Cost: Free
Registration: Call Nariman Shabo, Counsellor, English and Arabic Speaking at 416-755-5565 Ext 402 or Email: [email protected]