Public input requested on poverty reduction strategy

February 15, 2017
Family Service Toronto and Campaign 2000 welcome the government’s decision to launch the national public consultation process for the development of the Canadian-Poverty Reduction Strategy (C-PRS).
“With nearly one in five children living in poverty, federal vision is essential to activate the policies and programs urgently needed to eradicate poverty in Canada,” says Anita Khanna, National Coordinator of Campaign 2000. “We welcome the opportunity to inform the development of the strategy and ensure it is guided by targets and timelines that improve the lives of children, families and all people who live in poverty.”
Announced Monday, Feb. 13, the nation-wide consultation process will be achieved through a Poverty Reduction Strategy engagement website (including discussion forums and online town halls) and roundtables with provincial, territorial and municipal governments, Indigenous organizations, businesses, community organizations, academic experts and Canadians who have experienced poverty.
The online consultations for the C-PRS are now open and include surveys for individuals and organizations. To participate go to the Government of Canada website.
Read more:
Government of Canada news release.
Campaign 2000 news release
Globe and Mail: Liberals set up committee to test public input on poverty strategy