Ministry offers special focus groups

July 21, 2016
Are you receiving service from one of our Developmental Services programs? If yes, please participate in the Ministry of Community and Social Services focus groups with individuals and families who receive ministry-funded services and supports.
We want to better understand what things in life you would like developmental services to help you or your family member achieve.
All individuals, families and caregivers, who receive/take part in developmental services and supports are invited to participate in a series of focus groups coming up in September. Your feedback will have no impact on your services, and will be confidential and voluntary. Your individual responses or information will not be published.
The deadline for registrations is September 2.
Register now for:
- Developmental Services Focus Groups
- Groupe de discussion sur les services aux personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle
You will need to re-register if you registered for the original July focus groups.
Recruitment letters:
Questions & Answers:
The ministry values feedback from individuals and their families on their experiences and we recognize that ongoing engagement is key to making meaningful improvements to the developmental services system.